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Reports, Trend Analysis

Voter Turnout in American Elections Since 2000

Explore voter turnout data

New Survey: ‘Guilty’ Verdict in New York Criminal Trial Could Result in Measurable Harm to Support for Former President Trump


States of Denial: Tracking Election Deniers in Key State Legislatures


Surveying Americans on Accountability, Election Denial, and Democracy


A Democracy Crisis In The Making: December 2023 Year-End Update

The decisions being made in statehouses in the wake of 2020 will help determine how the 2024 election is conducted.

The Election Denier Landscape

From inside the halls of government, these Election Deniers are using their powers to weaken free and fair elections.

Replacing the Refs: 2023 Statewide Races & 2024 Presidential Candidates

Election Deniers are back on the ballot, and their movement has spread far beyond the campaign trail. We’re tracking the Election Deniers who ran in this year’s statewide races and are running in next year’s presidential election. Their allies already hold office in many states and are chipping away at free and fair elections.

Election Powers: Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has both a significant public platform that can impact public trust in elections, and a critical role in defining how Congress uses its election powers.

New Survey: Institutional Investors Believe American Democracy Is Increasingly At Risk

According to a new survey, a strong majority of institutional investors believe threats to democracy in the U.S. are rising. Less than one-third are confident public companies are equipped to manage that risk.

Americans’ Views on Political Violence – Key Findings & Recommendations

States United Action conducted a nationally representative survey of over 3,000 American adults in the week leading up the 2022 midterm elections.