
Public Safety Resources

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Reports, Trend Analysis

Voter Turnout in American Elections Since 2000

Explore voter turnout data
Law Enforcement Guidance, Public Safety Fact Sheets

The First Amendment and the Government’s Authority to Regulate Poll Observer Conduct

Best Practices, Law Enforcement Guidance

Managing Vehicular Protests During Election Season

Best Practices

Keeping Statewide Elected Officials Safe

Best Practices, Law Enforcement Guidance

Empowering Democracy: What Police Need to Know About Protecting the Count

Best Practices, Fact Sheets, Law Enforcement Guidance, Reports

Midterm Election Season Resources

States United has developed a collection of election season resources for state officials, law enforcement leaders, pro-democracy groups and journalists.
Law Enforcement Guidance, Public Safety Fact Sheets

Empowering Democracy: What Police Need to Know at the Polls

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet: “Constitutional Sheriffs” and Elections

This Fact Sheet attempts to provide guidance on important questions concerning the “constitutional sheriffs” movement and its intersection with elections.

De-Escalation: A Toolkit for Election Officials

Planning and preparation before Election Day can help you and your staff protect the rights of voters and the public and resist efforts to disrupt your elections.
Legal Analysis, Reports

Midterms 2022: The Poll Observer Landscape

Poll observers — members of the public permitted to monitor conduct at polling places — are a feature of elections in nearly every state.