

We provide tools and guidance for state and local election officials, law enforcement leaders, pro-democracy partners, the press, and the public. Our resources focus on election protection, accountability, truth in elections, and preventing political violence.
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Law Enforcement Guidance, Public Safety Fact Sheets

Empowering Democracy: What Police Need to Know at the Polls

Law Enforcement Guidance, Public Safety Fact Sheets

The First Amendment and the Government’s Authority to Regulate Poll Observer Conduct

Best Practices, Law Enforcement Guidance

Managing Vehicular Protests During Election Season

Best Practices, Law Enforcement Guidance

Empowering Democracy: What Police Need to Know About Protecting the Count

Best Practices, Fact Sheets, Law Enforcement Guidance, Reports

Midterm Election Season Resources

States United has developed a collection of election season resources for state officials, law enforcement leaders, pro-democracy groups and journalists.
Law Enforcement Guidance

Threats to Election Officials: Informational Guide for Law Enforcement

Across the country, hundreds of thousands of people play a role in administering our elections, keeping them free, fair, and safe. These are the public servants and community leaders who make American democracy work—from governors and secretaries of state, to local and county officials, to temporary workers staffing the polls.
Law Enforcement Guidance

Countering Bigotry and Extremism in the Ranks: A First Amendment Guide for Law Enforcement Agencies

The overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers serve their communities with honor, integrity, and respect for the oath they took to serve and protect. Americans across the political spectrum are grateful for their work and dedication.