

We provide tools and guidance for state and local election officials, law enforcement leaders, pro-democracy partners, the press, and the public. Our resources focus on election protection, accountability, truth in elections, and preventing political violence.
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Ensuring a Full and Fair Count

The resources on this page are aimed at preparing AGs and other state and local officials to protect a full and fair count.
Litigation, Reports

Litigation Tracker: 2020 Voting Rights Cases

The States United Democracy Center (formerly Voter Protection Program) is tracking scores of voting rights cases that are moving quickly through state and federal courts around the country.

Federal Government Involvement in the Election

This toolkit collects resources to help state attorneys general, and other local and state officials, understand the proper federal, state, and local roles in election administration and enforcement.

Voter Intimidation Toolkit

Voter intimidation is illegal, and state attorneys general have unique tools to stop it. As top lawyers and law enforcement officers for their states, they can help protect our democracy and promote fair and safe elections.